
Carmen Hoktemberyan

29 years old, Manager

Carmen Hoktemberyan is the manager of “Sewing Hope for Armenia”. From the first days of the company’s formation Carmen invested and continues to invest her professional knowledge and efforts for the development and progress of the company.

I don’t like to talk about myself, I like to talk about the work done by my friends and me in the company “Sewing Hope for Armenia”. Everything started with the great desire to help, and later, as a result of discussions and studies, this desire to help received its form, name, field of activity, people of good will came together who contributed to the implementation of this idea, and a chain of hope was built, the links of which are increasing over time.

Every woman transforms when comes to our company. Our organization started months after the war and the women who joined us were the bearers of the heavy consequences of that war, they came to work with half-wet eyes, but after a while, the light of hope flashed in the place of those tears, and they were again filled with faith and optimism, and they passed their newfound hope to others.

Our mission is to expand the geography of our company’s activities and provide as many women with work as possible, but we cannot do all this alone, and we can never have enough help. It is only possible to go on, if we, Armenians put our hands together.

“Never giving up, always open to new opportunities – this is how I describe every woman working in «Sewing Hope for Armenia»”.

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